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Infertility: The Secrets Of Faith

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – This month is Endometriosis month and in light of this observance a Bahamian author is shedding light on infertility issues and pregnancy loss. 





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – This month is Endometriosis month and in light of this observance a Bahamian author is shedding light on infertility issues and pregnancy loss. 

She says it’s something that many women suffer from silently and she’s calling on leaders in the country to  start the conversation which she believes will provide more support to women who are dealing with these issues.

Meet Dr. Latazia Stuart, also known as Dr. Tazz, she is the author of The Secrets of Faith Fertility, she says in the U.S. 1 in 8 women experience infertility and adds that when she first released her book last year she didn’t expect to receive the response that she did.

Now Dr. Tazz herself struggled with infertility issues for many years; she says it was her expectation that once married, she would have children, however nothing happened.

She says after losing twins, she started to open up about her challenges to support others who were experiencing the same issue.

Dr. Tazz says she now has three miracle children and the author says it’s time to get the conversation started.

The book, The Secrets of Faith Fertility is available in the country at several book stores, you can also contact Dr. Stuart on social media @ doctortazz. 

