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Laroda Responds to Managers Union

Negotiations between the Public Managers Union and the National Insurance Board remain at a standstill, government is speaking out.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – As negotiations between the Public Managers Union (PMU) and the National Insurance Board remain at a standstill, State Minister Myles Laroda is speaking out on the matter. He says there are other factors that take priority.

Berthony McDermott reports.

Amid the ongoing standoff between the Public Managers Union and the National Insurance Board, Laroda says balancing the economy trumps the benefits of a group of employees.

Laroda says government will decide its position and what will be done for all employees inclusive of those at NIB.

His comments come as the Public Managers Union has been pressuring the government to finalize its industrial agreement which expired two years ago.

According to Union President Cassandra Lewis, two financial matters are still outstanding.

In a statement Monday, NIB said negotiations remain at an impasse over salary increases and bonus payments to eligible staff.

NIB says it’s of the view that bonus payments out to be linked to the financial performance of NIB but noted the PMU is not fully receptive to that view.

Lewis said it seems NIB is imposing financial heavy-handedness.
