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Men Killed in Deadly Ambush

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Two men gunned down after being ambushed in a quiet West Bay Street community this morning.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Two men gunned down after being ambushed in a quiet West Bay Street community this morning. While the assailants are unknown police say one of the victims was being electronically monitored. 

It was a chilling scene on Ferguson Road this morning, the location of the nation’s latest homicides.

As crime scene investigators worked to document the scene, music still boomed from the ill-fated vehicle- only occasionally interrupted by attempted calls to the victim’s phone connected through the bluetooth speaker.

Police Press Liaison Officer, Chief Superintendent Chrislyn Skippings was in the scene.

Evidence markers carpeted the ground leading to the bullet-riddled vehicle. 

Skippings shared that it’s currently believed the weapons used were high-powered firearms. She added that the victims, believed to be in their late teens and early twenties, aren’t thought to be residents of the area. 

When asked if either of the victims were known to police, Skippings replied that one was being monitored electronically.

These murders have brought the 2022 murder count to 125, that’s 6 more than the 119 murders of 2021, and over 50 above the 73 murders of the year before.
