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“Reject This Loose Policy”‘

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The FNM once again taking to the streets calling for the resignation of Immigration Minister Keith Bell, this time taking the protest to Bell’s office on East Bay Street.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The Free National Movement once again taking to the streets calling for the resignation of Immigration Minister Keith Bell, this time taking the protest to Bell’s office on East Bay Street.

This latest protest comes as a result of Bell granting citizenship to three people during a funeral service.

The party’s leader and chairman are raising protocol questions along with accusing Bell of trying to gain political points.

As the group protested, Bell could be seen occasionally looking down from a top-story window as the gathering jeered at him.

He would not address the group.

Free National Movement Deputy Leader Shannon Cartwright condemned government’s failure to address what he calls a “Loose policy.”

