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Residents React: In Eleuthera We Ain’t Joking

ELEUTHERA, BAHAMAS – Shantytowns in Eleuthera are next up for demolition.





ELEUTHERA, BAHAMAS – Shantytowns in Eleuthera are next up for demolition. Not only were notices recently placed on illegal structures, but the Ministry of Works and Family Island Affairs also held a town hall meeting where residents were not shy about voicing their concerns.

This Eleuthera resident was one of many who welcomed the unregulated community action task force posting eviction notices over o163 structures in three Eleuthera shantytowns.  

The works ministry held a community stakeholders consultation meeting on Monday night.

It was attended by Works Minister and Member of Parliament for South and Central Eleuthera Clay Sweeting and members of the task force.

Residents in Eleuthera have long complained about the spread of shantytowns in their community.

This resident says it’s time for Bahamians to band together to solve this problem. 

The ministry has demolished nearly 300 unregulated structures in the last few months as part of the government’s efforts to rid the country of shantytowns. 

This resident raised a valid point asking, what will be done after the homes are torn down? 

Minister Sweeting responding to concerns that Haitian migrants are being targeted.

