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Singer Ronnie Armbrister Remembered

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Condolences continue to pour in for the late Ronnie Armbrister who passed away this week in hospital. 





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Condolences continue to pour in for the late Ronnie Armbrister who passed away this week in hospital. 

He’s been described as a man who was dedicated to music and contributed a lot to the industry.

Armbrister has been described as a musical icon, one who had a deep passion for music and its development in the country.

He was once the president of the Bahamas Music and Entertainers Union.

Musician and producer Fred Ferguson says Armbrister left behind a rich legacy.

Youth, Sports and Culture Minister Mario Bowleg releasing a statement on Armbrister’s death noting that his counsel to governments on projects and issues involving entertainment has been exemplary.

Free National Movement Leader, Michael Pintard also giving his condolences and says Armbrister was a true and valued supporter of the party adding that he was not just a supporter but a talented vocalist and lover of the piano.

Ambrister, who died on Monday, also served on the Cultural Commission and helped with it’s development to advance Bahamian culture and employment of entertainers.

He was 79.

