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Will Anything Change for the Climate?

Prime Minister Philip Davis taking a strong stance against the lack of swift response to climate change at CHOGM in Rwanda.



KIGALI, RWANDA – A busy day for the Prime Minister at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Rwanda, and a number of face-to-face meetings with other leaders. This, a day after Prime Minister Philip Davis again publicly took on the lack of swift response to climate change.

Our Jerome Sawyer takes a look at the role Prime Minister Davis has in addressing global climate change.

Prime Minister Davis first took on this issue at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP26) in November. In a few months, that conference reconvenes at COP27. But has anything really changed?

At the recent Summit of the Americas, Davis again challenged the world to do something to reverse to tackle the problem.

He came to CHOGM in Rwanda even more determined.

Conservative estimates from the Prime Minister put the recovery from climate change events at 45 percent of the national debt.

His speech at the business forum here on Wednesday was a call for support of the Commonwealth Blue Charter for solving ocean-related problems, as well UN Sustainable Goals on ocean preservation.

