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12-Year Sentence For Killer Who Took Plea Deal

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A man who killed a man and tried to kill another has been sentenced to 12 years after taking a plea deal.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A man who killed a man and tried to kill another has been sentenced to 12 years after taking a plea deal.

Cordero Johnson, 33, was initially charged with murder in the November 16, 2014 murder of Vernon Rolle Jr.

But under the plea agreement the charge was reduced to manslaughter.

Johnson and another man picked up Rolle and took him to a dirt road, where they shot him multiple times.

On March 3, 2015, Johnson and another man caught a ride with Peron Bain on Cowpen Road.

When they got to the juncture of Cowpen and Faith Avenue, Johnson pulled a gun on Bain.

Bain fled the SUV and Johnson chased and shot at Bain, hitting him in the arm.

Johnson also damaged the car of another motorist.

Bain’s car was later found destroyed by fire in South Beach.

Johnson pleaded guilty to manslaughter, attempted murder, armed robbery, arson and possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life when he appeared before Justice Jeanine Weech-Gomez.

The time that Johnson spent on remand will be deducted from his 12-year sentence.

