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$2.5M Allocated for An Aircraft for Family Island Travel

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister Leon Lundy revealed the government’s intention to spend up to $2.5 million on an aircraft to transport government officials to the Family Islands.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Minister of State in the Office of the Prime Minister Leon Lundy revealed the government’s intention to spend up to $2.5 million on an aircraft to transport government officials to the Family Islands.

The figure has been allocated in the 2024/2025 budget. Lundy was responding to a question from opposition leader Michael Pintard.

The Ministry of Finance’s capital expenditure head notes $2.5m was allocated for the acquisition of aircraft.

Lundy’s response prompted this response from East Grand Bahama member of Parliament Kwasi Thompson. 

This latest revelation comes days after National Security Minister Wayne Munro defended the government’s travel saying the prime minister’s frequent trips are bearing fruits.

The government was heavily criticized for its frequent trios and the size of the delegation traveling.

But this latest purchase for domestic travel prompted multiple questions from Opposition Deputy Leader Shanendon Cartwright like do we know the size of the aircraft and what type of aircraft it is?

However, it seems the government was unable to provide many details about the acquisition.  However, Lundy sought to clarify this point.


