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Today in History November 1

In 1981 Antigua and Barbuda Achieved Independence from the United Kingdom, with Vere Bird serving as the first prime minister.





For the first time on November 1, 1512, the public was able to view Michelangelo’s fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine chapel in the Vatican palace. The artwork is among the greatest achievements in western painting.

In 1981 Antigua and Barbuda Achieved Independence from the United Kingdom, with Vere Bird serving as the first prime minister.

1995 saw South Africans voting in their first all-race local government elections.

In 1997 James Cameron’s Titanic, a drama about the doomed ocean liner, had its first public screening at the Tokyo International Film Festival; the movie would become one of the highest grossing of all time, and it made Leonardo Dicaprio and Kate Winslet international stars.

In 1999 the NFL’s Chicago Bears hall-of-fame running back Waltor Payton dies.

Hundreds of taxis protested in front of Romania’s palace of the parliament in Bucharest, in 2011.

On this day in Bahamian history, in 1971 St. Andrews School moved from its location at Collins House to its new location on Nassau East Blvd in Yamacraw, New Providence.

Collins House as the old ministry of education.

