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A Pledge To Reduce Electricity, Crime and Housing

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Priority number one in the prime minister’s list- reducing high electricity bills which he admits is a major pain point for everyone.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Priority number one in the prime minister’s list- reducing high electricity bills which he admits is a major pain point for everyone.

Last year, the prime minister warned of doubling fuel surcharges for smaller consumers while those larger electricity users would see tripple charges.

But the reality for many bpl consumers this summer is tripling bills and climbing.

His solution? Well, for starters  – multiple solar projects for the Family Islands.

Jobeth Coleby-Davis will now have charge over BPL – as part of a new energy ministry.

Next on his agenda is housing; more so the inability of affordable housing for many Bahamians.

It was then onto crime and the promise of ongoing crime-fighting initiatives.

