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National Security Minister Defends Police Incentive System

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Days after he said it was fake news, National Security Minister Wayne Munroe is defending the police force’s arrest incentive system, saying none of the officers are being paid.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Days after he said it was fake news, National Security Minister Wayne Munroe is defending the police force’s arrest incentive system, saying none of the officers are being paid.

A recently leaked document said the system is an attempt to foster teamwork, boost morale, and recognize outstanding performance. Munroe says the system is an indicator for promotions. 

Munroe says what was being suggested was the officers are being paid. He says that not true. 

Police Commissioner Clayton Fernander has defended the program saying even a dog, if he does something good, is awarded.

Munroe doubled down saying every profession has incentives for its employees. 

Munroe reiterated that he does not run the operation of the police force. He says as far as he is aware, the system is about gun interdictions.

