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Bell: Livable Wage Coming Soon

The Davis administration says it will keep its pre-election promise of legislation to replace the Bahamas minimum wage with a livable wage.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The Davis administration says it will keep its pre-election promise, and deliver legislation to replace The Bahamas’ minimum wage with a livable wage.

The assurance was given by Labour and Immigration Minister Keith Bell, who says that legislation is nearing completion.

Jasmin Brown reports.

With inflation putting a pinch on the pockets of scores of residents, the Labour and Immigration Minister says establishing a livable wage is now more important than ever.

Bell telling reporters on the sidelines of an LJM Maritime Academy open house event, that it is a priority for the Davis administration.

In its blueprint for change, the Progressive Liberal Party pledged to raise the minimum wage from $210 to $250 and introduce a livable wage.

The promise was one of many that helped usher the Davis administration into government as The Bahamas faced its worst economic crisis in modern history, brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and hurricane Dorian.

Bell says the process to get it done has already started and he is currently awaiting recommendations from the National Tripartite Council, which are expected in the next two weeks.

When it comes to what the National Tripartite Council is taking into account for its recommendations, acting Director of Labour Robert Farquharson says there will be several factors.

Farquharson says they include the cost of living, the retail price index, inflation, and a regional comparison on minimum wage.
