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Haitians Accept Un-Backed Foreign Mission

HAITI – Haitians taking shelter in refugee camps for victims of gang wars begrudgingly accepted the United Nations-backed foreign security mission to fight violent gangs in the Caribbean nation.




HAITI – Haitians taking shelter in refugee camps for victims of gang wars begrudgingly accepted the United Nations-backed foreign security mission to fight violent gangs in the Caribbean nation.

The United Nations Security Council on Monday authorized a foreign security mission to Haiti a year after the Caribbean country asked for help fighting ongoing violence.

Haitians are wary of an armed U.N. presence. The Caribbean country was free of cholera until 2010 when U.N. peacekeepers dumped infected sewage into a river, killing more than 9,000 people.

Kenya stepped forward in July with a pledge of 1,000 police, The Bahamas then committed 150 people, while Jamaica and Antigua and Barbuda say they are also willing to help.

