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Have A Plan In Place This Hurricane Season

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season is upon us and with America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicting an above-normal season.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The 2024 Atlantic Hurricane Season is upon us and with America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicting an 85 percent chance of an above-normal season with between 17 to 25 named storms, and up to 7 of them being major hurricanes, it’s especially important this year not to wait until the last minute to get prepared.

You don’t have to prepare overnight, but you can begin by making a list of your needed supplies and purchase them week to week.  

Things like enough non-perishable food and water for each person for three to seven days, a battery-operated radio and clock, and cash.

It’s also vital to know where your nearest shelter is, even if you think your home is sound, plan where your backup location would be, whether it’s a public shelter or a nearby friend or family member, don’t wait until you need to evacuate to figure out where that would be. 

Keep a go bag with important documents sealed in a water safe holder, some water, non-perishable snacks, and medications you may need. 

And last but not least, you also need a storm plan for your pets. 

If you haven’t already, have your pet microchipped so you can be reunited if you are separated in a storm. Plan with your network to see if someone would be willing to take in your animals should you need to evacuate.


