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Inter-ministerial Committee to Tackle Shantytowns

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Hundreds of illegal shantytown structures across the country about to be cataloged by a newly formed inter-ministerial committee.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Hundreds of illegal shantytown structures across the country about to be cataloged by a newly formed inter-ministerial committee.

Earlier this month it was revealed that over 260 structures were found in Abaco shantytowns alone, with the problem getting worse.

An inter-ministerial committee has been recommended to address the issue of a growing shantytown in Abaco, according to Press Secretary Clint Watson.

But he says this is not to be confused with the shantytown committee put in place by the former administration.

It was recently revealed that the farm shantytown grew by an estimated 200 acres since hurricane Dorian in 2019.

Since the monster storm decimated The Mudd and Pigeon Pea shantytowns, officials say a new shantytown was formed off S.C Bootle Highway.

Watson says a difficulty has been Bahamians facilitating the persons for the structures.

Adding some of the land had been issued for to Bahamian farmers, but instead they are renting the space.

The press secretary says they will catalog all illegal structures in The Bahamas.

