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Long Island MP Trial Delayed Due To Protest

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A demonstration outside the Supreme Court on Monday prompted a judge to delay the start of the Adrian Gibson corruption trial amid concerns that the protest would prevent a fair trial.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A demonstration outside the Supreme Court on Monday prompted a judge to delay the start of the Adrian Gibson corruption trial amid concerns that the protest would prevent a fair trial.

Protestors dressed in Progressive Liberal Party regalia chanted “Adrian gotta go” before jury selection took place.

Justice Cheryl Grant-Tjompson said the incident had caused her some disquiet and she would not proceed with jury selection.

Gibson is accused of receiving $1.1 million in kickbacks from contracts awarded by the water and sewerage Corporation while he served as its executive chairman.

He is charged along with Elwood Donaldson, the corporation’s former general manger, Jerome Missick, Peaches Farquharson, Joann Knowles and Rashae Gibson, his cousin.

