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Pia Glover-Rolle – The Mother, Wife, MP And Cabinet Minister

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Our News sits down with Member of Parliament for Golden Gates and State Minister for the Public Service Pia-Glover Rolle.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – On the eve of the anniversary of the PLP’s election win, we continue our ‘One-Year-Later’ series. In this edition, Our News sits down with Member of Parliament for Golden Gates and State Minister for the Public Service Pia-Glover Rolle who believes she’s accomplished a lot over the last year.

The Golden Gates MP – who is a wife, mother – and a first timer to frontline politics says the transition to public life was not difficult for her. She did share a concern about personal attacks that she has receive over the past year.

We also asked the politician, who is also the mother of teenagers, whether those personal attacks have impacted her children. The minister says she got their blessing before accepting the frontline position.

But, the cloud has a silver lining. Glover-Rolle says now women are a part of the conversation.

Now, there’s much more that Glover-Rolle has accomplished – in her constituency she has also been able to complete a number of capital works projects, engage scholarships for constituents and  remove derelict vehicles.

When it comes to her ministerial post, she says a number of industrial agreements have been signed with several unions.

