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Sustainability First: Save Energy, Money And Environment This Summer

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – With the equity rate adjustments bringing lower rates for residential BPL customers who conserve more energy starting July first, now’s the perfect time to start implementing energy-saving skills that are better for the environment and better for your wallet.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – With the equity rate adjustments bringing lower rates for residential BPL customers who conserve more energy starting July first, now’s the perfect time to start implementing energy-saving skills that are better for the environment and better for your wallet.

It’s hard to cut down on a/c usage in the peak of summer, but you may be pulling more energy than necessary to cool your home. 

Get your units serviced and check your filters, which should be cleaned or replaced every couple of months. Simply changing your old filter out with a clean one can lower energy usage from your a/c by up to fifteen percent.

Make the switch to LED light bulbs. While they cost a bit more up front, they use seventy-five percent less energy than incandescent bulbs, which also generate unnecessary heat.

Don’t underestimate the impact of your water heater. The U.S. Department of Energy says that alone can account for up to a quarter of your total energy use.

Avoid washing half loads of dishes and laundry, and opt for cooler showers this summer to save energy and water.

