NASSAU, BAHAMAS - BPL CEO Shevonn Cambridge said the move to install a 60-megawatt solar field In New Providence will save BPL $23 million annually in...
GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS - Grand Bahama's only performing arts center, the Freeport Players Guild Regency Theatre suffered a major blow following Hurricane Dorian.
JAMAICA - The Jamaican police SWAT teams were called in to give cover over the demolition of an illegal shanty town Wednesday.
HAITI - Eight confirmed cholera related deaths in Haiti raising concerns with local and international health officials that the country could be headed for another epidemic.
JAMAICA - The tourism industry continues to rebound in the region as Jamaica reportedly earned 5.7 billion in tourism revenues since reopening last June.
AUSTRALIA - An Australian court hearing claims of an alleged sexual assault by a former staffer, which took place inside the House of Parliament.
UNITED KINGDOM - The British government has "hit the brakes" on a plan to cut the income tax rate for those in a higher income tax...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - The Court of Appeal rejected the appeal of a man was sentenced to eight years' imprisonment after vehicle as a weapon.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - BPL CEO said plans for a liquified natural gas plant are still on the table. A memorandum of understanding was signed for the...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - BPL rate increase surprised, including Union Leader Kyle Wilson who says the union was "in the dark" on the situation.