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Downtown Freeport Businesses Vandalized

GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS – Some business owners in downtown Freeport are waking up to a scene that they never imagined.





GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS -Some business owners in downtown Freeport are waking up to a scene that they never imagined. Their stores were vandalized.

D’s Car Rental & Fast Forward Freight Logistics was among those businesses targeted and was forced to close their doors on Wednesday because of the vandalism.

Spokesperson for the two companies, Daquan Swain, said that they got a call that someone trespassed on the property on Tuesday evening with a metal object.

As for the total cost of the damage, Swain says it’s still too early to give an estimation. He adds, nonetheless, that it’s a hard blow for the company.

Now Swain says police has confirmed with the establishment that a man was arrested in connection with the incident. He also says that the response was prompt from police.

As for the who, what, why and how? They have no clue why someone would vandalize their business.

The spokesperson says if the person responsible for the crime has a mental illness, it is something that requires the attention of the entire community.


