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Judge Decision on Bella’s Burial Expected This Week

A Supreme Court judge says the battle over who is responsible for the body of four-year-old Bella Walker will be heard in closed sessions.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A Supreme Court judge has decided the court battle over who gets the responsibility of the body of four-year-old Bella Walker will be heard in closed sessions, away from the media. Justice Loren Klein says he expects a decision to be handed down by the end of the week.

Kyle Walkine has more.

Walker was in court with her Attorney Bjorn Ferguson while Bella’s father joined proceedings via Zoom. He was represented by Attorney Maria Daxon.

The judge informed the media of his decision to have the matter heard in private to protect the dignity of the deceased and because criminal proceedings are underway. He added he didn’t want personal accusations that will be made during the hearing to be out in the public.

Klein said when the court is ready to rule it will be delivered in open court. As they are just getting started he expects that to be by the end of the week.

Police say Bella Walker died on November 5th after suffering blunt force trauma, which resulted in punctured internal organs and broken ribs.

The child’s mother, Ostonia Walker, has been charged with exposing her to grievous harm and cruelty, while Walker’s boyfriend was charged with murder.

She was in court today before Justice Guillermina Archer Minns seeking bail.

The judge adjourned that matter until Tuesday.

