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Police: Bahamians Not Doing Enough To Protect Themselves from Crime

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – As police crack down on crime, the police press liaison officer says civilians need to do more to prevent themselves from becoming victims of crime.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – As police crack down on crime, the police press liaison officer says civilians need to do more to prevent themselves from becoming victims of crime.

She also had tips for residents and businesses as we head into the holiday season.

As Bahamians gear up for the holiday season which often sees an uptick in crime, Police Press Liaision Officer Chief Superintendent Chrislyn Skippings.

She says the only way civilians are victims of criminal attacks is when their guards are down.

The police press liaison adds that Bahamians often take additional protective measures when they travel abroad, she says that should constantly be the case.

“As soon as you reach whatever destination you’re going to, everyone is looking to see if they see anyone suspicious,” Skippings said.

“Whenever they purchase their gifts and they get back to the hotel, everyone quickly gets the things out and quickly gets into the hotel room. In less than 30 seconds they are safe. What we see happening here is when people go to the malls or to the shop they come home, they stand in the front of their yards, they talk for a long period of time, they sit in their cars conversing with whomever on the phone and they are not paying attention.”

She says paying attention can minimize or prevent you from becoming a victim of crime.

As for safety tips heading into the holiday season, Skippings said to stay on high alert.

“Do not leave any packages visible in your cars for people to be able to see,” the police press liaison officer said.

“Do not be on your phones while you’re coming out of the stores with all your grocery bags or all of the gifts that you’re purchasing. Do not travel with large sums of cash on you. When you’re leaving the bank, conceal your cash.”

