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$15K Bail For Marine Accused of Bar Shooting

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A Royal Bahamas Defence Force marine who prosecutors say shot an innocent bystander during a bar fight has been granted $15,000 emergency bail.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A Royal Bahamas Defence Force marine who prosecutors say shot an innocent bystander during a bar fight has been granted $15,000 emergency bail.

Marine Seaman Andreas McPhee was granted bail by Justice Cheryl Grant-Thompson, hours after Senior Magistrate Carolyn Vogt-Evans remanded him to prison on an attempted murder charge.

Prosecutors allege that the 21-year-old seriously injured 20-year-old Lashando McIntosh during a shooting at a bar on West Bay Street.

According to police, McPhee got into an altercation with a group of men while at the bar. McPhee allegedly opened fire on the men with a handgun. However, police said that McIntosh, who was shot multiple times, was not a part of the fight.

McPhee has to report to police four times a week as a condition of his bail.

He is scheduled to appear before the magistrate on September 22 to receive voluntary bill of indictment papers.

McPhee has been suspended from his duties pending the outcome of his case.

