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Some Progress In Haiti Amid Ongoing Crisis

GRENADA – Since his appointment as President by Haiti’s Provisional Council, President Edgard Leblanc Fils has had his hands full.





GRENADA – Since his appointment as President by Haiti’s Provisional Council, President Edgard Leblanc Fils has had his hands full.

At his first CARICOM summit since his appointment back in April, he was able to report that some of the territories previously controlled by gangs are no longer under siege, but there is still much more more work to be done.

His comments in creole translated by Foreign Minister Domonique Dupuy.

The world food program estimates 4.3 million Haitians are going hungry with 1.4 million on the brink of starvation.

This week, leaders discussed sending more aid and help for the Haitian police.

The good news is the Haitian delegation says a sense of normalcy is returning to some areas.

The ongoing problems in Haiti remain a priority for regional leaders. With emergency meetings and consultative groups like the one involving former Prime Minister Perry Christie.

For current leaders like Guyanese President Dr. Mohamed Irfraan Ali, the goal is to bring stability to a country plagued with unrest.

