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Assistant Athletic Trainer: “We Are One of the Cogs in the Wheels of Healthcare”

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – National Athletic Training Month is held every March in order to spread awareness about the important work of athletic trainers.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – National Athletic Training Month is held every March in order to spread awareness about the important work of athletic trainers and here at home we have several throughout the country.

Most notably, those who work at our premier tertiary institution – the University of The Bahamas. Dehron Smith is one of them.

But what do athletic trainers do?

“We are at the point of care working with people to constantly remind them and provide them with either the care they need or access to the care they need,” Smith said.

I also asked Smith whether the training differs between the myriad of sports offered at the university.

So to have a whole month dedicated to bringing awareness to athletic training, how does Smith feel.

Smith himself will be on the world stage in a few months representing the country at a national conference. We’ll tell you more about that in another newscast.

