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Commissioner: Parents Must Be More Vigilant

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Police are investigating an incident involving a man who was stabbed by his girlfriend on Tuesday.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Police are investigating an incident involving a man who was stabbed by his girlfriend on Tuesday after she allegedly suspected him of sexually assaulting her 12-year-old daughter at a home in southwestern New Providence. Officers arrested the man and took the girl to the hospital to be examined.

Today, Commissioner of Police, Paul Rolle urged parents and others to be on the lookout for red flags that a child is being abused.

Commissioner of Police Paul Rolle calling on parents to be more vigilant. These comments follow an incident Tuesday evening when the mother of a 12-year-old girl stabbed her boyfriend after she suspected him of sexually assaulting the child.

Police also confirming that blunt force trauma caused the death of four-year-old Bella Walker on Friday.

Rolle says when looking at the extent of the 4-year-old’s injuries, he’s not sure what the perpetrator was thinking.

Rolle says parents and guardians need to observe tell-tale signs.

Rolle also admonishes children in these circumstances not to be afraid to call the police.

