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FNM Leader: Airplane Cost Will Be Exponential

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The news of a $2.5 million budget allocation for the acquisition of an aircraft for family island travel has sparked public debate, as some residents question the need at a time when some say there are more pressing issues.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The news of a $2.5 million budget allocation for the acquisition of an aircraft for Family Island travel has sparked public debate, as some residents question the need at a time when some say there are more pressing issues.

Not many details have been revealed about the purchase except that the aircraft in question would be used to transport government personnel throughout the family islands.

Opposition and Free National Movement leader Michael Pintard is critical of the decision.

But Communications Director in the Office of the Prime Minister Latrae Rahming released a statement Wednesday saying the aircraft was confiscated by the Royal Bahamas Police Force and will be repurposed for official government use.

Additionally, the Office of the Prime Minister says the aircraft will be maintained, operated, and utilized by police, ensuring its safety and reliability for government travel needs.

But Pintard says questions still remain.


