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Foreign Affairs Minister: I Think It’s An Important Step

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Fritz Belizaire, a long-time politician in Haiti is the man chosen to lead the nation from the brink of a violent collapse.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Fritz Belizaire, a long-time politician in Haiti is the man chosen to lead the nation from the brink of a violent collapse.

A transitional council placed in charge by CARICOM made the decision.

Mass chaos and violence has taken over neighborhoods in Haiti for months as a result of gangs pressuring former Prime Minister Ariel Henry to resign.

Henry announced he would be stepping down in early February prompting the council to nominate Belizaire.

Here at home, Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell says it’s encouraging.

The violence causing many countries including the United States to remove their diplomats along with pausing flights to the nation, a move The Bahamas followed.

Mitchell says Belizaire’s appointment, will lead to the return of U.S. flights and the placement of Kenyan troops.

