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Junkanoo Musicians Start Sky Juice Band

Just like sky juice makes any Bahamian get-together a little better, the Sky Juice Band’s unique musical flavor makes any event sweeter.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Just like sky juice makes any Bahamian get-together a little better, the Sky Juice Band’s unique musical flavor makes any event sweeter.

Our Jean Joseph got together with the band of Junkanoo musicians to hear their story.

If you love good Bahamian music, chances are you have heard of the Sky Juice Band – a mega band led by Corey Cartwright and Treco Johnson still going strong after some 14 years.

“We started with 15 vibrant young members who wanted to take their music to the next level we started off in the junkanoo group and we wanted to venture off into another world, so we decided to form a band,” Cartwright says.

The band features members from most of the major Junkanoo groups – Roots, One Family, Saxons, and the Valley Boys and they take their stage performance as seriously as Junkanoos take the Boxing Day and New Year’s Day parades.

Getting to Bay Street can be challenging, and the band shares similar struggles getting traction behind their movement despite packed shows left and right.

Still, Johnson says they are ready to put in the work, with their eyes on the international stage.
