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PM’s NDP Lecture Sparks Heated Debate

The National Development plan took a heated turn as one attendee pointed out the omission of LGBTQ+ community improvement goals.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The National Development plan took a heated turn around 90 minutes into the event. What was likely the biggest moment of the night coming during the question and answer segment as one attendee pointed out the omission of LGBTQ+ community in the draft plan’s goals to improve human rights.

The attendee was likely referring to strategy 7.7 of the plan, where the goal is to “Eliminate discrimination and protect human rights”.

The strategy specifically mentions many other potential minorities but fails to mention the LGBTQ+ community.

The attendee insists the draft needs to be amended, prompting moderator Zhivargo Laing to step in.

The back and forth went down as the Prime Minister was speaking during a lecture series outlining some of the main priorities of the National Development Plan.

Prime Minister Davis confirming work on the plan continues.

However, he couldn’t say if it would be adopted this year.

