NASSAU, BAHAMAS - As Junkanooers make final preparations for the New Year's Day Junkanoo Parade, JCNP Chairman Dion Miller telling us the Boxing Day Parade ran...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Boxing Day 2024 will have a new start time 9pm. That's an hour earlier than last year's start of 10pm.
GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS - Labour leaders in Grand Bahama shared some of the issues they say are still affecting workers across the country.
GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS - Over on Grand Bahama, the Junkanoo hype is also picking up but for the world-famous Bushwackers, it's all about having a good...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - The Shell Saxon Superstars say they are the best group on Bay Street and come Boxing Day they intend to prove it.