UNITED NATIONS - The World Health Organization says China's COVID-19 data is not giving an accurate picture of the situation there.
HAITI - The U.N.'s Deputy Secretary-General urges countries "With capacity" to consider the Haitian government's plea for international armed force to help restore security.
COLOMBIA - A United Nations report says cocaine production boomed in Colombia during the pandemic, with the total area harvested for cacao leaves growing 43 percent...
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - The Bahamas receives its seventh and largest financing from Global Environment Facility to address climate resilience challenges.
DOMINICAN REPUBLIC - The Dominican Republic is deporting Haitians and creating a police unit focused on foreigners, fueling tensions between the two neighboring Caribbean nations.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell seeking to clarify a recent vote at the United Nations that was recorded as "no" for The Bahamas...
UNITED NATIONS - For the 30th year, the United Nations General Assembly votes overwhelming to condemn the American economic embargo of Cuba.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - A new UN report, notes the world is "nowhere near the scale and pace of emission reductions" needed to limit rising temperatures.
VENEZUELA - New U.N. data shows more than 7 million Venezuelans have left their homeland since 2015 due to economic and political crises.
NASSAU, BAHAMAS - The United Nations General Assembly, this past week, overwhelmingly condemned Russia's attempted annexation of four Ukrainian areas