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At Least 37 Killed In Thai Nursery Attack

THAILAND – In a rare shooting, a 34-year-old police officer in Thailand massacred 36 people, 24 of which were children.






THAILAND – In a rare shooting, a 34-year-old police officer in Thailand massacred 36 people, 24 of which were children, with a gun and knife at a child care center in the northeast – 335 miles from Bangkok.

The attacker who was suspended for disciplinary action back in January also faced an illegal drug charge.

One teacher narrowly escaping with her life. She says:

“He was inside the child centre for a long time. He used a knife and cut all the kids’ heads. He was carrying a small gun.

I didn’t know he was going to kill the kids. I thought he was going to come out but he stayed inside a long time. He used a knife and stabbed all the kids.

He also stabbed a pregnant teacher. It was only a few months until she was due to give birth. He stabbed my staff.”

