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The Bahamas’ Laws Are Clear on Human Trafficking

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A U.S. human trafficking report reportedly notes concerns over The Bahamas’ efforts to initiate prosecution, identify victims, provide data, and protect vulnerable groups.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – According to a local daily, a U.S. human trafficking report noted that while The Bahamas is compliant with minimum standards to eliminate trafficking, there are concerns over efforts to initiate prosecution, identify victims, provide data, and protect vulnerable groups.

Hitting back at some of these deficiencies, National Security Minister Wayne Munroe says some of the recommendations do not fall in line with our laws.

He also says our laws are clear on the matter.

The report says NGOs reported that while the country has appropriate laws and procedures, law enforcement officials do not implement them due to neglect, complicity, or failure to understand. 

Disagreeing, Munroe says government will not act on what he calls general denunciation of law enforcement officials.

