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Hotel Executive Advocates Mask Mandate Changes

The government is weighing the possibility of removing a mask mandate for fully vaccinated individuals, according to acting PM Chester Cooper.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – After a resort lobbied for the government to remove the mask mandate for its fully vaccinated guests, acting Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Chester Cooper says the government is weighing the possibility, and a final recommendation will be before Cabinet in the next week.

Berthony McDermott reports.

Following a call by a top hotel executive to remove the mask mandate for vaccinated visitors, acting Prime Minister Chester Cooper said it’s being looked into.

Speaking to a recent Bahamas Hotel and Tourism Association (BHTA) annual general meeting, Davis says the resort has seen some pushback from US guests.

Meanwhile, Cooper said a recommendation in this regard is expected next week.

Cooper added the decision lies solely in the hands of the health professionals.

His comments come one day after he announced government will end the five-day COVID-19 test requirement for visitors entering the country.

Cooper reiterated the desire to strike the right balance, adding that the Davis administration is focused on relaxing restrictions.

Foreign Affairs Minister Fred Mitchell, who is in Belize attending the 33rd CARICOM Heads of Government meeting, revealed that Caribbean leaders are being urged to scrap travel restrictions completely.

Mitchell said he is unsure which way the decision will go, but noted that Jamaica has already scrapped all of its travel restrictions except a requirement for a test 72 hours before travel.

The tourism minister acknowledged the exhaustion with mask-wearing and acknowledged the pandemic isn’t over.

