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Autistic Student On His Way To Spelling Bee Nationals 

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Seth Brown is a 13-year-old A.F. Adderley student with autism, but that hasn’t held him back in the sphere of Bahamian spelling bees.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Seth Brown is a 13-year-old A.F. Adderley student with autism, but that hasn’t held him back in the sphere of Bahamian spelling bees.

Seth’s mother, Sherell, tells us Seth was a delayed talker, but was reading multisyllabic words at 3 years old. Even with his innate talent, she says he wouldn’t be on his way to nationals if it were not for the keen eye of the A.F. Adderley faculty.

Latara Archer, is part of the Pre-vocational Department, and one of the spelling bee club’s coaches. After spotting Seth’s talent, she spent countless hours practicing with Seth, but says even more than the prizes, there was something else that made it all worth it.

Principal, Carmen Richards-Miller,  says it was a no brainer to throw their full support behind him.

But no matter the results of the competition, head Spelling Bee Club coach Dr. Unease Miller says they’re proud of Seth.

For his mother, she hopes this can serve as a lesson to the country, not to put limits on children with autism.

