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Court Clerk Arraigned for Falsifying Documents

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A member of the court staff faced criminal charges today after being accused of forging fine receipts. 



new magistrates court complex

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A member of the court staff faced criminal charges Tuesday after being accused of forging fine receipts. 

Cruzel Nottage, a jury assistant, is accused of forging a  receipt to show that a $9,000 fine had been paid on March 9 in the case of Lindalee Alcenor.

Prosecutors allege that Alcenor’s family paid $5,000 towards the fine to secure her release. However, only $50 was paid into the court.

On the same date, Nottage is accused of receiving $350 for the release of a suspect from custody.

Nottage is further accused of forging fine payments for Jason Jacques.

He was supposed to pay $250 towards a $500 fine for violation of bail on January 30.

Although the receipt reflected that the money was paid, prosecutors say only $50 was paid. On February 7, another $250 was supposed to be paid. However, prosecutors say only $20 was paid.

When police arrested Nottage on the accusations on March 15, they allegedly found her with $825 that’s suspected of being the proceeds of crime.

Nottage denied the allegations at her arraignment before Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt and was granted $8,000 bail.

The chief magistrate said the matter needed to be heard as quickly as possible as the allegations could affect public confidence in the court system.

As such, the matter was adjourned to March 31 for a status hearing with a view for a trial in April.

