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Customers & Creditors of FTX Digital Asked to Submit to Creditor Portal

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The Joint Provisional Liquidators of FTX Digital Markets Ltd. issuing an update, Friday, inviting customers and creditors of FTX Digital to submit their contact details to the creditor portal.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The Joint Provisional Liquidators of FTX Digital Markets Ltd. issuing an update, Friday, inviting customers and creditors of FTX Digital to submit their contact details to the creditor portal at

The JPLs have today launched a case website, accessible at , which will be used to keep stakeholders updated on the status of their work. This will also be used to communicate information to employees, customers and potential creditors of FTX Digital.

FTX Digital was placed into provisional liquidation by the Supreme Court of The Commonwealth of the Bahamas (the “Supreme Court”) on 10 November 2022 (the “Provisional Liquidation Order”). The Supreme Court appointed Brian Simms KC, of Lennox Paton, Kevin Cambridge, of PwC Bahamas, and Peter Greaves, of PwC Hong Kong, as the Joint Provisional Liquidators (collectively the “JPLs”).

According to the statement issued by the JPLs, since their appointment by the Supreme Court, the JPLs have been reviewing the financial position of FTX Digital, investigating the causes of the collapse of FTX globally and its impact on FTX Digital.

The JPLs are seeking to identify and secure assets, alongside investigating all paths available to FTX Digital with a view to realising the maximum possible value for all FTX Digital stakeholders. This work is ongoing.

The JPLs will continue working to discharge their duties and will communicate further updates as and when appropriate.

