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FNM Leader: Natl. Address Intended To Distract

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – FNM leader Michael Pintard insists the prime minister made immense promises to distract from the country’s serious issues.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Free National Movement leader Michael Pintard insisting the prime minister made tremendous promises to distract from the serious issues being faced by Bahamians. The FNM leader making the declaration during a press conference where he responded to the PM’s national address. 

Free National Movement leader Michael Pintard was not impressed with the prime minister’s national address on Tuesday night. Pintard says he’s concerned about how the government plans on funding many of the promises that were outlined.

Another major concer for Pintard?  – The National Insurance Board.

And, he didn’t stop there. Pintard also chastised the government over their handling of Bahamas Power and Light.

The FNM leader wasn’t against it all. He agreed with minimum wage being increased to $260 per week.

