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Goombay Festival Returns to Bay

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The iconic goombay sound led to a unique Bahamian festival held in downtown Nassau.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The iconic goombay sound led to a unique Bahamian festival held in downtown Nassau.

Over the years, Goombay Summer Festivals spread throughout the islands – showcasing the country’s rich heritage through art, authentic Bahamian cuisine, dance, and live music. 

In recent years, the capital’s festival has taken place at Arawak Cay, but this year saw the return of the festival to downtown Nassau. 

Winston “Winky” Burns operates Winky’s Bar on Carmichael Road but he says he did not want to be left out of this year’s festival. 

Attendees had other food and drink options, like Albertha Sturrup’s Days Gone Bye – specializing in coconut treats with a down-home flair. While the event helps entrepreneurs secure finances in these trying times, Sturrup says bringing back memories of days past was an even greater reward.

Bahamian recording artist Dru242 got his first taste of the Goombay Festival and says the experience blew him away as he soaked in the sights, sounds, and aromas wafting through the air.

First-time visitor Sherry Caicedo from Temecula, California, says the hospitality made her trip memorable and the festival was a plus.

Another first-time visitor, New Jersey resident Juvie James says it was a lifelong dream to visit The Bahamas.

We caught up with host Wellington funny, the comedian, who says the Goombay Festival would be the perfect outing for his kids if he weren’t working. 

Colours Entertainment provided the perfect drumbeat to end the night as they rushed off Bay Street.

Week one is done, but you have two more chances to enjoy the tastes, sights, and sounds and relive the old Goombay festival on Friday the 4th and 11th of August.

