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Mullings To Host Free Clinic

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The past few weeks were eventful for Bahamian Decathlete Ken Mullings. Last week he was officially named to the squad that will represent the Bahamas in the 2024 Paris Olympics.



The First-Time Olympian Gives Back

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The past few weeks were eventful for Bahamian Decathlete Ken Mullings. Last week he was officially named to the squad that will represent the Bahamas in the 2024 Paris Olympics. This week he’s hosting will hosting a free skills clinic for young athletes.

Mullings, the first Bahamian to ever qualify for the Olympics in the event, will mentor young athletes on jumps, most notably the high jump, but that’s not all, the UB Alum explained, “We’re going to touch on speed drills because that’s important as well as warmups so they know how to prepare themselves properly for any event.”

An important point for Mullings is how good prep and proper habits put him in a position to succeed saying “With taking campers through these drills it isn’t so much about doing them as much it’s about why they should do them and how doing them can help them become better athletes. 

Mullings will also partner with his sponsor, Powerade to teach young athletes proper nutrition and hydration.

The camp will be held at the old Thomas A. Robinson Track on Saturday, July 13th at 10 am. It is open to all athletes ages 13-21. Admission is free. 
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