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Preparing Bahamians For The Job Market



The family islands will not be left out in the government’s push to get more Bahamians employed. Director of Labour Robert Farquharson revealing there are plans to not only help place, but also train job seekers on several islands.

The labour director stated that the Department of Labour has no plans on being Nassau-centric as there are hundreds of job seekers in neighbouring islands who are also looking for work.

Farquharson says one of the first islands they will visit over the next few weeks is Eleuthera because of the upcoming Disney Lighthouse Point project and the hundreds of workers that are needed. In addition to Eleuthera, the labour director also has his sights on islands like Exuma and Grand Bahama.

In addition to getting Bahamians prepared for the job market, he says those career fairs will be in partnership with BTVI and other institutions.


