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Men In Blue Celebrate 45 Years In The Bahamas

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The men of Phi Beta Sigma celebrated the 45th anniversary of their Delta Epsilon Sigma chapter’s charter with a breakfast and food donation in conjunction with First Baptist Church.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The men of Phi Beta Sigma celebrated the 45th anniversary of their Delta Epsilon Sigma chapter’s charter with a breakfast and food donation in conjunction with First Baptist Church.

The graduate chapter began with 5 brothers who returned to The Bahamas after graduating from Florida Memorial University.

Charter Secretary William H. Dean, a member since December 1968, says he is proud of the fraternity’s growth and contributions to Bahamian society since its charter on Saturday, May 20, 1978.

Phi Beta Sigma fraternity incorporated started on the campus of Howard University in Washington DC, on January 9, 1914. Since then, the organization has formed chapters as far as Japan, Africa, and The Bahamas, where they chartered the first Greek-lettered organization on the campus of what is now the University of the Bahamas. 

