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Super Value Giving The Boot To “Lick And Stick” Quality Stamps

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Are you a collector of Super Value quality stamps? Beginning January 1st, the grocery giant is saying goodbye to those beloved quality stamps and rolling out a brand-new digital system.




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – Are you a collector of Super Value Quality stamps? Beginning January 1st, the grocery giant is saying goodbye to those beloved Quality stamps and rolling out a brand-new digital system. After thirty-five years, Super Value says the issuing of lick-and-stick Quality stamps will come to an end. Instead, customers will be issued digital points.

We visited local stores to hear how shoppers feel about this new initiative. Despite the change, don’t worry; it’s not ending immediately. Stamps will be collected throughout 2025. Super Value made this announcement on its Facebook page, explaining why they’re putting an end to stamps and going digital. Customers will be able to track and redeem their points using an app on their mobile devices. Some older customers have expressed a preference for the digital option, finding it more convenient.

