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Supreme Court Discharges Jury in Assault with Intent to Rape Case

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A Supreme Court judge, Tuesday, discharged a jury hearing an assault with intent to rape case, after refusing an application by the prosecution for the trial to continue in the defendant’s absence.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – A Supreme Court judge, Tuesday, discharged a jury hearing an assault with intent to rape case, after refusing an application by the prosecution for the trial to continue in the defendant’s absence.

Kiko Green failed to return for his trial in the middle of a key prosecution’s witness’ testimony.

As a result, Justice Deborah Fraser has issued a warrant for his arrest.

Green is accused of sexually assaulting a woman while she was passed out. The incident allegedly happened in a home in Eleuthera in December 2019.

The alleged victim recalled feeling dizzy and eventually passing out after she consumed several alcoholic drinks that Green had mixed for her. She has no recollection of the alleged assault.

However, another witness testified that other people in the home had to lift the woman into bed.

This witness claimed that she met Green performing a sex act on her friend when she went to check on her.

