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Wacky Socks, More than a Conversation Starter

RAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS – Have you rocked your socks? March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day and people all over have been wearing their mismatched socks.




GRAND BAHAMA, BAHAMAS – Have you rocked your socks? March 21 is World Down Syndrome Day and people all over have been wearing their mismatched socks in support of those living with the condition.

It is the most common genetic condition in the world but it doesn’t stop those who have it from living a normal life. 

Wende Hanna, president of the Grand Bahama Down Syndrome Society, says despite having challenges from birth, those living with down syndrome are just like everyone else.

As for the significance of rocking your socks on World Down Syndrome Day, Hanna explains wacky socks are not only a conversation starter but socks also look a lot like human chromosomes.

Hanna says every year on March 21, the hope is that the awareness campaign helps to eliminate the stigma attached to people with special needs.

