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Building Wealth Begins With The Basics

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – From mutual funds to pension plans, how you build wealth is a matter of preference and planning.





NASSAU, BAHAMAS – From mutual funds to pension plans, how you build wealth is a matter of preference and planning. Financial experts break down the basics as they marked world investor week. 

No matter your goal, financial experts agree that the road to any goal is to set out a plan to get you there.

Chief Operations Officer at The Bahamas International Securities Exchange, Holland Grant explains how financial experts can help. The advice? Have two bank accounts – one that keep the ATM card for and the other that you limit access to.

Grant says planning to meet a goal can help you to budget, delay gratification, and invest in your future self. 

And, if you need help getting started, the experts and advisors at RF Bank and Trust say they’re available to help.

