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Beat The Heat

NASSAU, BAHAMAS – High temperatures are responsible for hundreds of deaths each year globally. The past few weeks have seen people scrambling to beat the heat.  




NASSAU, BAHAMAS – High temperatures are responsible for hundreds of deaths each year globally. The past few weeks have seen people scrambling to beat the heat.  

New Providence residents are no different. With daytime highs around 94 degrees, forecasters predict scoring heat well into next Saturday with the threat of even hotter days in August.

Construction workers and landscapers working outdoors all day long are among those bearing the brunt of it.

Renardo Major is a project manager with precision design and construction.  here’s how he keeps employees safe from the sun.

Anthony Louis, a transformation landscaping and development supervisor, says even though the sun is draining, he does his best to get through it. 

If you are working inside or outdoors, drink lots of water, keep cool as much as possible, and find a fan or air conditioning as often as possible. 

