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DPM: International Brand Showing Interest in Hilton

The British Colonial Hilton hotel closed its doors, Tuesday, but the government is optimistic the closure will be short.



NASSAU, BAHAMAS – The British Colonial Hilton hotel closed its doors, Tuesday, but Minister of Tourism Chester Cooper says the government is optimistic the closure will only last a few months as an international hotel brand is showing interest in the property.

Jasmin Brown reports.

Cooper telling the press today that the owners, China Construction America, is making headway with the Bay Street Hotel.

Cooper declined to reveal more about the interested hotel brand saying he did not want to make any announcements on CCA’s behalf.

The closure of the 300-plus room hotel was announced last month.

In a letter to The Bahamas Hotel Catering and Allied Workers Union, Strategic property holdings, which manages the property, said the decision to cease operations came after, “Carefully analyzing business performance over an extensive period of time and the dismal business forecast for the foreseeable future”.

More than 100 employees were impacted, but some have since been hired by Sandals Royal Bahamian which reopened its New Providence property last month.

The British Colonial Hilton was one of the country’s oldest hotels still in operation. It opened in 1924 and was, at one point, the flagship property in the country.

